Sunday, 3 December 2017

The Youths, The Aged And Governance

  Samuel Christopher       Sunday, 3 December 2017

The statement "Give the youths a chance" is one statement which is repeatedly heard in Nigeria. This message has become a recurrent one so much that it gives a feeling of rejection and neglect of the youths in Nigeria.

The Nigerian youths are of the mindset that the government is full of old minds which are bereft of new and sophisticated ideas to make a better Nigeria. They believe that what Nigeria needs to become a better and more developed country are vibrant and young minds. Therefore, they believe that if given the chance to rule or lead, they can do better.

A certain Philosopher once said that if you want to know a person, give him a chance to lead. It is true that a vibrant mind can think and lead better than an old one. It is also true that in some countries around the world, youths occupy some position in government and are making positive impacts in the development of these countries. Now, the question is, have the Nigerian youths been actually sidelined in the affairs of governance like their outcry portrays?. The answer is "No". The Nigerian youths have been given opportunities to lead at local levels such as in tertiary institutions where we have the Students Union Government(SUG), Faculty Government, Departmental Government and even the Ethnic Government. They have also been given opportunities to lead as councilors. Here are the youths talking about not given opportunities to lead the nation, meanwhile, they have not done anything productive in these local areas of authority and leadership assigned to them other than embezzling funds. For instance, an SUG President in the University of Port Harcourt who was once known for a small Nokia phone, very few clothes which he repeatedly wore, and no investment at all prior to his emergence as the President suddenly becomes rich after being sworn into office. The bad thing about it all is that he left office without achieving any of the aims written in his manifesto. These youths, while in power, spend huge sum of money on frivolous lifestyles like clubbing, buying several bottles of expensive drinks and even riding expensive cars instead of allocating these funds for appropriate use. Mind you, this money is given to them by the school management for the benefits of the students and these funds range from 60million to 100million Naira.

Even the faculty and department Presidents are not left out in this malicious act of corruption and embezzlement of student funds. They extort money from students and Deans with the excuse of ID Cards, repairs, parties and tours, but at end of their reign, none of these projects are achieved. This is also applicable to course representatives who impose payments of handouts on students and even refuse to submit the assignments of students who do not have the money to pay. Is this not enough corruption for a young mind and the so called leaders of tomorrow?

Moving down to the ethnic government, the President of various ethnic groups have seen this as an avenue to make money by deceiving the state government and even the students. They do this by submitting ghost names alongside few real names to the government for bursary payment. When the money is paid according to the list submitted, these Presidents take the money given to the ghost students. Sometimes, these Presidents even come up with fake bursary information and sell fake forms to students which should have been given for free. It is shocking to see these deplorable acts of corruption being perpetrated by the same people who claim that they have not been given the opportunity to lead the nation on the right track. Is it possible for a people with these mindset to make any positive difference if allowed to pilot the affairs of the government?.

The only difference between the Nigerian politicians at the national level and youth leaders is just the age difference, and the higher connection which the national politicians posses. Hence, they are both corrupt.

Before crucifying me my dear readers, please note that I am a youth and do not hate my fellow youths. I only stand on the path of truth and rational thinking. Be reminded that in the days of Nnamdi Azikwe, all incubent leaders were once youths. Now they are in power, what has changed?.You will agree with me, the only thing that has changed is an increase in corruption.

This essay only goes to show that the leadership and development of a nation should not be judged from, or looked at based on the age of the leaders like the youths claim, rather, it should be looked at based on intellectual ability, good conscience, good will and integrity of individuals involved because only these qualities can distinguish a good leader from a bad one and only a good leader can lead the nation successfully, not the youths or the aged.

Thanks for reading The Youths, The Aged And Governance

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